Thread: unable to read double A[0] and A[1] when n=1

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    unable to read double A[0] and A[1] when n=1


    I am having trouble adding two arrays that contains the 3rd through 68th entry
    of a 66-element array. I am using the array A for the sum of the two arrays corresponding to line 1 and line 2 of the input file (see code.) For the first go around, all is fine. Alas, the second time around when n = 1, the values of
    A[0] and A[1] get changed after line 161 after it reads the title of the 2nd row.
    line 161 til = read_title(fp);

    I am kinda confused about what happened here?

    OUTPUT:  for reading in entry #3 through #68 when n = 1 (2nd time) ---
    $eqparms_42000  19.801934  19.987543  19.998929  16.280022  
    15.882664  11.936946  11.591798 -0.069747 -0.115387 -0.036517 
    -0.056792 -0.040874 -0.020368  0.018431  0.014045  0.006112 
     0.016178 -0.160537  0.010308  0.033332 -0.012482  0.013886 
    -0.075848 -0.016654 -0.076822  0.028593 -0.022062 -0.109674  
    0.011751  0.004857 -0.024652  0.035485 -0.029861 -0.019982 
    -0.091736  0.036087 -0.067619 -0.018104 -0.138921 -0.109324 
    -0.103670 -0.140229  0.011544 -0.104651  0.071105  0.127234  
    0.175506  0.102106 -0.005422  13.531374 -3.500000 -3.500000 
    -3.500000 -3.500000  8.158419  0.199930  0.156771  0.199964  
    0.199996  0.199999  0.130350  14.264143  6.867160  8.385001  
    9.316451  14.153305  13.028459  [ it's OK here.]
    /****  NOT OK at all for A[0] (long number) and A[1] (underlined) ****/
     1  0  10294483105380924209297137052132835902603774975587521311686
    6206847082496.000000  19.987543
     1  1  2.023529  19.998929
    /**** NOT OK at all  *****/
               these values of A[i] are fine.
     1  2  16.280637  16.280022  
     1  3  15.881519  15.882664
     1  4  11.940799  11.936946
     1  5  11.598596  11.591798
     1  6 -0.069730 -0.069747
     1  7 -0.115599 -0.115387
     1  8 -0.036446 -0.036517
    $eqparms_32000  19.809179201986  19.97629013  19.99800900  16.28063724  15.88151892  11.94079894  11.59859621    -0.06972984  -0.11
    559869  -0.03644595  -0.05680799  -0.04092679  -0.02044219        0.01844713   0.01405800   0.00612413   0.01619741  -0.16061326
    0.01028455        0.03333264  -0.01248030   0.01388489  -0.07584439  -0.01666025  -0.07679878     0.02859141  -0.02205941  -0.10967
    226   0.01174919   0.00484831  -0.02461987        0.03549759  -0.02984242  -0.02000749  -0.09174563   0.03610507  -0.06772237    -0
    .01811469  -0.13900662  -0.10938244  -0.10355774  -0.13992939   0.01139550       -0.10472170   0.07108921   0.12723564   0.17551409
       0.10207980  -0.00539671       13.53033691  -3.50000000  -3.50000000  -3.50000000  -3.50000000   8.15659611     0.19995521   0.15
    501831   0.19998754   0.19997583   0.19996031   0.12685206       14.27656879   6.86580210   8.38285901   9.31949826  14.15059040  1
    $eqparms_42000  19.801934046965  19.98754311  19.99892857  16.28002229  15.88266435  11.93694552  11.59179797    -0.06974732  -0.11
    538692  -0.03651734  -0.05679196  -0.04087373  -0.02036764        0.01843055   0.01404479   0.00611223   0.01617807  -0.16053726
    0.01030812        0.03333178  -0.01248197   0.01388638  -0.07584773  -0.01665407  -0.07682184     0.02859282  -0.02206247  -0.10967
    386   0.01175095   0.00485716  -0.02465235        0.03548512  -0.02986135  -0.01998163  -0.09173565   0.03608734  -0.06761861    -0
    .01810435  -0.13892145  -0.10932366  -0.10367009  -0.14022905   0.01154401       -0.10465116   0.07110506   0.12723429   0.17550641
       0.10210584  -0.00542154       13.53137379  -3.50000000  -3.50000000  -3.50000000  -3.50000000   8.15841883     0.19992979   0.15
    677102   0.19996408   0.19999581   0.19999900   0.13035006       14.26414319   6.86715977   8.38500113   9.31645129  14.15330546  1
    /*      dimCov.c
    **      Read data from .ONE file, do their matrix sum,
    **      compute covariance and correlation.
    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <limits.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>                              /* for getopt */
    #include "error.h"
    #define SIZE 66
    /* ---- Function Prototypes    ----        */
    /*      Read the title for the eqparms.    */
    char *read_title(FILE *fp);
    /*      Read the rms for the eqparms.      */
    double read_index(FILE *fp);
    /*      Read entries from a line in given datafile. */
    double *read_entries(FILE *fp,int fix);
    double *AddMatrix(double *A, double *B);
    /* compute covariance of vectors i and j */
    double covar(int i,int j);
    /*    Global variables   */
    double **mat, cov[15][15], correl[15][15];
    double *A;                            /* holds the sum and used for avg  */
    /*** Constants *************************************************/
    #define  OPTS      ":cChrR"      /* command line option string */
    /******* Help and usage  ***************************************/
    static const char usage[]  =
    "Usage: dcov [-c][-C][-h][-r][-R] <datafile>\n";
    static const char help[]   =
    "Usage: dcov  [options]  <datafile>\n\n"
    "  <datafile>            datafile for which we evaluate the covariance\n"
    "\t\t\tmatrices of the eqparms\n"
    "  -c                    prints covariance matrix in readable form\n"
    "  -C                    prints covariance matrix as a line  (default)\n"
    "  -h                    prints this help message\n"
    "  -r                    prints correlation matrix in readable form\n"
    "  -R                    prints correlation matrix as a line (default)\n\n"
    "Please report bugs to <[email protected]>. Thank you!\n";
    /*** Main program ***********************************************/
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
      int           c;                   /* used to parse command line options */
      char          *filename;                      /* name of input datatfile */
      char          *tempfile;                      /* name of temporary file  */
      char          *shell_cmd;                     /* command line pointer    */
      char          *til;
      FILE          *fp;                            /* pointer to the datafile */
      int Nmax;
      int  i,n;                                        /* counters */
      double *rms;                                  /*   pointer to rms values */
      char **Name;                           /* pointer to pointers of strings */ 
      /* the NEXT few variables are read as arguments to command line options  */
      int           lcovar     = 1;  /* flag for printing cov matrix as a line */
      int           r_LIN      = 1; /* flag for printing corr_matrix as a line */
      /* external declarations for command line option parsing (unistd.h) */
      extern char   *optarg;                   /* command line option argument */
      extern int    optind;              /* pointer to current element of argv */
      extern int    optopt;             /* contain option character upon error */
      /* following part parses command line for options and their arguments    */
      optarg = NULL;
      while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, OPTS)) != -1 ) 
        switch (c) {
        case 'c':                 /* prints covariance matrix in readable form */
          lcovar = 0;
        case 'C':                       /* prints covariance matrix as a line  */
          lcovar = 1;
        case 'h':                                            /* -h help option */
          PrintMsg(help, 0);
        case 'r':
          r_LIN = 0;             /* prints correlation matrix in readable form */ 
        case 'R':                       /* prints correlation matrix as a line */
          r_LIN = 1;
        case ':':
          error("printscore: need an argument for option -%c", optopt);
        case '?':
          error("rone: unrecognized option -%c", optopt);
      /* error check */
      if ( (argc - (optind - 1 )) != 2 )
        PrintMsg(usage, 1);
       **      Some file processing stuff.
      filename   = (char *)calloc(CHAR_MAX, sizeof(char));
      tempfile   = (char *)calloc(CHAR_MAX, sizeof(char)); 
      filename = argv[optind];
      sprintf(tempfile,"%s.%s", filename,"temp");  
      /* Use word count and know how much data to handle.*/
      shell_cmd = (char *)calloc(CHAR_MAX, sizeof(char)); 
      sprintf(shell_cmd,"wc -l %s > %s", filename, tempfile);
      if ( -1 == system(shell_cmd) ){
        printf("error with shell_cmd %s", shell_cmd);
      /* first, determine how many matrices there are to be stored! */
      fp = fopen(tempfile,"r"); 
      /* reads the value of n and the name of the temp file*/
      til = (char *)calloc(CHAR_MAX, sizeof(char)); 
      printf(" '%s' has %d lines.  \n\n",filename,Nmax);
      /* remove temporary file once it is no longer needed */
      sprintf(shell_cmd,"rm -f %s ", tempfile);
      if ( -1 == system(shell_cmd) ){
        printf("error with removing temp file: %s\n", shell_cmd);
       **      Read the matrices from datafile
      fp = fopen(filename,"r");  /* Get space as needed for variables */
      Name = (char **)calloc(Nmax, sizeof(char *));
      mat = (double **)calloc(Nmax, sizeof(double *));
      rms = (double *)calloc(Nmax, sizeof(double)); 
      A   = (double *)calloc(SIZE, sizeof(double )); /* Do sum then average with A */
      for (n=0;n<Nmax;n++){
        Name[n] = (char *)calloc(CHAR_MAX, sizeof(char));
        til = read_title(fp);
        Name[n] = strcpy(Name[n],til);
        rms[n] = read_index(fp);
        printf("%lf ",rms[n]);
        mat[n] = (double *)calloc(SIZE, sizeof(double));
        mat[n] = read_entries(fp,n);
        for (i=0;i<SIZE;i++)
          printf("% 2.6lf ",mat[n][i]);
        for (i=0;i<SIZE;++i){
         printf("%2d %2d % 2.6lf % 2.6lf\n",n,i, A[i], mat[n][i]);
         A[i] += mat[n][i];}
        /*    USE LATER for covariance.
    	  mat    = (double **)calloc(Nmax,sizeof(double *));
    	  for (n=0;n<Nmax;n++)
    	    mat[n] = (double *)calloc(SIZE, sizeof(double ));  
      if ( lcovar ){
        printf("\t  Printing  matrix as a one-liner...\n");
        printf("$Matrix_SUM A:\t");
        /*    for (i=0; i<SIZE;i++)
          printf("% 2.6lf ", A[i]);
          printf("\n\n"); */
        printf("Covariance matrices printed in readable form.\n");
      if ( r_LIN )
        printf("Printing A as a one-liner & for each matx M, M - A...\n");
        printf("Correlation matrices printed in readable form.\n");
       **  Compute the matrice A whose entries are the averages
       **  of homologous entries of matrices read from the datafile.
      for (i=0;i<Nmax;i++)
        A[i] /= Nmax;
      printf("$Matrix_Avg A:");
      for (i=0; i<SIZE;i++){
        A[i] /= Nmax;            take average 
        printf(" % 2.6lf ", A[i]);
       **  For each matrix M_i,        Subtract       M_i -  A 
      for (n=0; n < Nmax;n++){
        for (i=0; i<15;i++){
          mat[n][i] -= A[i];   subtract
          printf("% 1.2lf ", mat[n][i]);}
       **  Compute Covariance of the column vectors in the 3 matrices
      printf("Covariance matrix: Upper Half Triangle Printed .\n");
      for (i=0; i<15;i++)     initialize 
        for (j=0; j<15;j++)
          {cov[i][j]=0; correl[i][j]=0;}
      for (i=0; i<15;i++){
        for (j=0; j<15;j++){
          if ( j < i)
          else{       compute covariance
    	cov[i][j] = covar(i,j);
    	printf("% *.*lf\t",1,3,cov[i][j]);
       **  Compute Covariance of the column vectors in the 3 matrices
      printf("Correlation matrix: Upper Half Triangle Printed .\n");
      for (i=0; i<15;i++){
        for (j=0; j<15;j++){
          if ( j < i)
    	correl[i][j] = covar(i,j)/(covar(i,i)*covar(j,j));
    	printf("% *.*lf\t",3,1,correl[i][j]);
      /* Clean Up */
      free(filename);                      /* name of input datatfile */
      free(tempfile);                      /* name of temporary file  */
      free(shell_cmd);                     /* command line pointer    */
      return 0;
    /*      Read the title for the eqparms.    */
    char *read_title(FILE *fp)
      char *title;
      fscanf(fp,"%s \t",title);    
      /* printf("title %s  \t", title);*/
      return title;
    /*      Read the rms for the eqparms.      */
    double read_index(FILE *fp)
      double indx;
      fscanf(fp,"%lf", &indx); 
      /* printf("index %lf\n", indx);*/
      return indx; 
    /*      Read entries from a line in given datafile. */
    double *read_entries(FILE *fp,int fix)
      int i;
      double *B;
       B = (double *)calloc(SIZE, sizeof(double)); 
       for (i=0;i<SIZE;i++)
           fscanf(fp,"%lf", &B[i]);
      return B;
    double *AddMatrix(double *A, double *B)
    { int i;
     double D[SIZE]; 
      for (i=0;i<SIZE;i++)
      return D;
     ** Computes the covariances of column vectors i and j *
     ** Compute Covariance of the column vectors in the    *
     ** 3 matrices                                         *
    double covar(int i,int j)
    { int k; 
      double covaria=0.0;
          for (k=0;k<3;k++)             /* compute covariance */
    	covaria += (mat[k][i]*mat[k][j])/3;
          return covaria;

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    The answer is this: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    You should pass the allocated memory to read_title():

    read_title(fp, Name[n]);

    Since title is a local variable in read_title(), you cannot return it's address. Instead declare read_title() like this:

    void read_title(FILE *fp, char *title)
      /* printf("title %s  \t", title);*/

  3. #3
    Registered User cbastard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    This thread is sweetarg's notebook.
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